Hank Rogers

毕业于北佛罗里达大学,获得政治学文学学士学位, and later earned a Master’s in Public Administration from Troy University. 在UNF,他被选为学生会主席,并担任董事会成员. Originally from Miami, Hank has lived in River City for nearly twenty-five years. After working as an assistant in the Florida House of Representatives, he shifted towards mentoring at the I’m A Star Foundation, where he currently serves as Chief Operating Officer. 

Aside from his foundation work, Hank has been a substitute teacher and a Guardian Ad Litem for over five years, advocating for children in the foster care system. He actively participates on various boards, including the Northeast Florida Community Action Agency, the Sales Surtax Oversight Committee, the Jacksonville Housing Authority, and the Jacksonville Branch NAACP. Additionally, 他是奥克兰第一浸信会和Alpha Phi Alpha兄弟会的成员, Inc. 汉克对社区服务的奉献和对多个组织的参与表明了他对改变他人生活的承诺.


What are your priorities for Duval County Public Schools?

我对学区的主要目标是维持传统公立学校的运作. 确保学校的安全是至关重要的,这样所有的学生都有一个有利的学习环境. 我将通过向学生及其家庭提供资源,优先解决学生的心理健康问题. Moreover, retaining and attracting top-tier teachers is essential. Lastly, 我将专注于学生的成功和结果,以确保我们的努力是有效的和有影响力的.

Why did you choose these as priorities?

For me, traditional public schools play a central role in many communities, serving as the essential foundation. 重要的是,家庭可以选择使用各种交通方式将孩子送到附近的学校. These schools offer outstanding programs, teachers, and administrators. 对地区来说,承认对他们的倡议与计划的正面影响缺乏认识是至关重要的.

There is a clear need to improve the promotion of these offerings. To address this issue, 学区必须突出他们项目的成功案例,并积极地让家长了解我们学校为学生提供的好处. The district faces a challenge in effectively marketing its schools, requiring a more proactive approach to attract students. 要让家庭放心,必须亲自展示这些项目的安全性和质量. Ensuring a secure learning environment for all students is a top priority. Collaboration with the Superintendent, the leadership team, 警察执行主任必须提供执行全面安全规程所需的资源.

每个学生都应该有一个熟练的老师,为他们在全球化社会中取得成功做好准备. 在有效的教学发生之前,解决可能阻碍学习的外部因素是至关重要的. Lastly, 评估当前实践和结果的有效性对于推动我们学校的持续改进至关重要. Here are the reasons why these priorities have been selected for focus.

Although school board members are elected by district, they make decisions for the whole of Duval County, which occasionally leads to conflict. What is your approach and philosophy for making decisions in this situation?

我坚信,尽管学校董事会成员是由特定地区选举产生的, 他们应该愿意为了整个地区的更大利益而合作和妥协. During my time as a legislative aide in Tallahassee, 我亲身体会到跨党派合作制定有效立法的重要性. I advocate for listening to all perspectives and making well-informed decisions.

Over the last few years, the Florida Legislature has had a significant impact on local public education. What are your top issues at the state level, 你将如何与塔拉哈西的立法者合作来代表我们学生的需求?

At the state level, 一个关键的问题是保持地方控制和学校董事会做出决定的能力,为他们所在地区的最大利益服务. With each legislative session, 我们看到越来越多的法律侵犯了地方学校董事会的权威. Drawing on my extensive background as a legislative aide, I am well-informed in legislative advocacy and policy development. 我认为董事会成员应该积极培养与当地代表团成员的关系,并积极为佛罗里达学校董事会协会的立法平台做出贡献. 我准备利用我的关系来帮助立法者了解潜在法案的意外后果及其对杜瓦尔县公立学校的影响.


学校董事会解释州法规并制定符合法律的政策. 总监监督董事会政策的执行并处理学区的日常运作. 这种权力分立是为了保证充分的制衡,并确保所有社区在决策过程中都有发言权.

杜瓦尔县学校董事会最近听取了一位顾问关于重新划定学校边界的建议, align feeder patterns, 并整合许多小型或入学人数不足的学校,并一直就该建议收集社会各界的意见. What will be your approach to adjusting the Master Facility Plan?

To begin, 我会优先听取所有社区反馈,并彻底评估他们的反应, suggestions, and recommendations. Drawing on my experience as the former Chair of the Citizens Oversight Committee, 我了解学区遇到的障碍,并将他们的担忧放在我的方法和决策过程的首位. 我致力于倡导对每所学校进行公平评估,并评估关闭对当地社区的潜在影响. Furthermore, 咨询专家是必要的,以确保我们的财务决策符合整个地区的最佳利益.

While Duval County has made great progress in education, there are still students who are falling behind. How would you maintain a focus on addressing inequities in student performance, including by supporting schools in low-income neighborhoods?

确保低收入社区的学校能够获得资金等基本资源, skilled teachers, technology, and educational materials is a top priority for me. 我很荣幸看到社区合作伙伴积极参与我们的学校并产生积极影响的有意义的工作. I am committed to fostering collaborations with community organizations, businesses, 地方利益相关者为低收入社区的学生建立额外的支持系统, including after-school programs, mental health services, and initiatives to engage families. Data plays a central role in guiding my decisions, and I will utilize data to pinpoint areas for improvement, monitor student progress, 并根据需要调整干预措施,以确保资源得到有效分配.






of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.